Fit Me Forever Podcast
Fit Me Forever is the revolutionary movement that is geared towards changing the way you relate to food. It’s about ditching the diet mindset and transforming your relationship with food embracing sustainable change FOREVER.We are passionate about helping women become stronger both physically and mentally – and find sustainable health without restrictive diets and crazy exercise plans.Whether you’re you’re trying to balance your health amidst a demanding career or actively pursuing personal fitness goals, we are ready to empower and encourage you – to help you live a healthy life you truly love!Break out of restrictive diet & exercise programsTransform your mind. Transform your life.
Fit Me Forever Podcast
#35 - Counting Macros vs Eating Intuitively
Season 2
In today's episode we are discussing allll of the details about Counting Macros vs Eating Intuitively.
‘Eating Intuitively’ is all the rage right now. And while we think it’s awesome, there are some challenges to be aware of before this can be the ‘end all-be all’ way of eating.
Intuition is a noun; meaning:
- “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”
- “an ability to understand or know something without needing to think about it or use reason to discover it.”
Interesting right?
Can you imagine being able to EAT without needing to think about it?
Here's a few points that we cover today:
- What can you learn from counting Macros or following structured eating plans?
- How is intuition developed?
- Which is better: Macro Counting or Intuitive Eating?
- How do I know which way of eating is better for me?
Next Steps:
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