Fit Me Forever Podcast
Fit Me Forever is the revolutionary movement that is geared towards changing the way you relate to food. It’s about ditching the diet mindset and transforming your relationship with food embracing sustainable change FOREVER.We are passionate about helping women become stronger both physically and mentally – and find sustainable health without restrictive diets and crazy exercise plans.Whether you’re you’re trying to balance your health amidst a demanding career or actively pursuing personal fitness goals, we are ready to empower and encourage you – to help you live a healthy life you truly love!Break out of restrictive diet & exercise programsTransform your mind. Transform your life.
Fit Me Forever Podcast
#46 - Why do my clothes feel tight?!?
Season 3
Episode 8
We’ve all been there… you’re working out, eating healthy and feeling great. But, then you put on a pair of pants and they are SO TIGHT!!
What they heck?! Why isn’t “it” working?!?
In this week’s episode, we talk openly about our experiences with this and WHY it happens.
We have all been there and it’s not actually BAD, but it’s definitely frustrating!!
Here’s a few points we cover:
- Muscle vs Fat
- Why do we get bigger before getting smaller?
- What should we expect?
Next Steps:
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